How JavaScript Can Improve Web Development’s Early Life Stage

Early-stage web development is incredibly crucial as a website’s success relies heavily on its design, the quality of its content, and the way it connects with its audience. This article goes over the method that can help developers build an audience during this early stage.

We’ll explore how to use a JavaScript framework to design responsive web pages by focusing on three modern frameworks: ReactJS, FitTV, and Polymer (recently updated with Material Design).

Finally, we’ll mention other benefits specific to early-stage web development, like touch responsiveness and internationalization.

Mapping ReactJS API Methods to DOM Nodes in HTML

Schematically mapping the React API methods to the appropriate DOM node is essential for avoiding the situation where a React mounting method DOM might have been left blank and the bug in your code goes undetected for some time until you have a runtime error.

Each API is outlined with narration-styled italics and most DOM nodes are stenciled.

Method Offsets:

– “parent” 0x000 | nextSibling 0x200 | previous sibling 0x300

The 4 Key Concepts of a Modern Reusable Style Sheet Across Multiple Page Types 

A basic rundown of a style sheet might include the following formats:

-Several styles for the different elements on a web page that govern how an element appears in the layout (typical things like Buttons, Heading1, and paragraph text)

-A few enhancements to these styles such as fonts based on what is installed or just from defined groups

-Global IDs for “reset” keyframes where anything in the style can be overwritten with individual declarations

-Keyframes called “comments” are helpful since they are typically not formatted in the same way as code and so can be used to outline areas of what you would like to change without actually changing those areas.

Introduction: A modern, reusable CSS structure has 4 key concepts:

1. Various style rules for different page types

2. Enhancements that go beyond your typical CSS

3. The global framework’s reset and comments

4. Base file editing is only supported when changes don’t involve specific objects 

How To Setup & Configure Gulp For Your Project To Optimize Sass Compilation & Optimize Images 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get Gulp running in your project. You will learn how to set up Jasper for pre-processing and Laravel Elixir for combining the Sass files into CSS with images imported and optimized.

You should make sure you have NodeJS LTS, NPM, Gulp CLI, and Sass installed on your machine.

First, use npm to add Gulp to your project, which requires the installation of a node module along with the name property in a package.  JSON as follows:

npm install –save-dev gulp

Save that file then run npm install

Right after this, you can use this command to clone these repos: Jasper and Laravel Mixable

Now, open gulpfile.js in any text editor, -> add the following lines at #3: “require(‘jasper’), require(‘laravel-mixable/webpack’):”

——– Walkthrough Ends